In a transient town such as Siem Reap, saying 'goodbye' is an event that occurs heart-breakingly (and in time, brain-numbingly) often.
I have been around for all sorts of goodbyes so naturally I have also been present for a lot of hellos. And the contrast between the start and finish of a relationship is...amazing. It is from this observation that inspired me to write:
A cool dismissal, an abrupt departure
A lengthy embrace, and yearning there after
A relationship reflected in that final
A smile of fond memories or regretful sigh
Possibilities explored with new wisdoms
Possibilities not opened if otherwise
Indifference at worst, kindred spirits at
A journey for one with many to connect
A clash of chemistry or conversational flow
A path that is embarked with a simple
And since having said 'Goodbye' to my beloved friends of Siem Reap, I feel blessed to have that many important people in my life to make me cry and miss dearly.