Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ta Da!

It’s close to a year now since my last entry.

Assuming that people have been looking for me: Sorry, guys!

For those who haven’t: You weren’t missing anything. Obviously.

So today when I looked at my blog for the first time in ages, my eyeballs dried up with its staleness. Oh, how I’ve neglected thee. Me thinks thine due to revamp and revitalize.

Ta da! A new look! AND a new name! Staying true to the idea that ‘Today Is A Gift’, I’ve renamed my blog ‘Present- from me to you’.

I love the word ‘present’. It’s such a beautiful heteronym.

pres-ent [prez-uhnt]
1. a gift to another

2. to display something or introduce somebody

adjective (my favourite)
3. being, existing, or occurring at this time; now

Present is a self-indulgent thought catalog that will explore meaning behind seemingly flippant instances, conversations, comments or observations. Moments in time that are snapped, captured and pondered.

It is also a medium for me to display my words woven into poetry (which a lot of the time happens by accident). They are intimate feelings rather than gruesome details- I want you to interact with the words and fill in the gaps and assimilate. I’d rather you as the reader, to not be a mere observer of my thoughts, but a participant. Hopefully it will provide something to help precipitate your own understanding and search. 

And all that in turn will be a gift from me to you.

I'm also a grateful taker so please... share share share your thoughts and comments too!

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